National Survey of Student Engagement

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) was introduced nationwide in 2000 and was developed as a measure of students' engagement in empirically derived good educational practices. OSU has been participating since 2002.

Fall Student Experience Survey

The Fall Student Experience Survey was launched in 2020 to understand OSU's Corvallis campus undergraduate experience as the university shifted to remote learning. The survey has continued to be administered annually, containing a set of similar questions paired with topical questions.

Undergraduate Student Success Initiative

Run out of the Office of the Provost, the Undergraduate Student Success Initiative has been appointed to develop, implement, and oversee a comprehensive university-wide plan to advance OSU’s undergraduate student success goals. Alix Gitelman is Co-Chairing the USSI Steering Committee for academic years 2020 and 2021.

Adaptive Courseware Initiative

A challenge confronting university educators, lies in understanding what individual students already know and what they need to learn, then effectively and efficiently modifying instruction to meet those diverse needs. This is especially challenging for instructors teaching large 100- and 200-level general education courses. Adaptive courseware collects student data through assessment, analyzes that data, and uses it to offer personalized learning paths to each student or reports and recommendations to instructors to help personalize the learning experience. Through adaptive courseware, instructors are able to collect, access, and utilize the data they need to deliver quality learning experiences to individual students at scale.
