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Offices of Curriculum Management and Assessment and Accreditation provides information about and guidance on the curriculum proposal process. Curriculum coordinators can answer questions about creating and submitting proposals. The Curriculum Management website has comprehensive information about Curriculum Proposal Development. In addition, the Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) and Difference, Power and Discrimination (DPD) programs have guides for creating WIC course proposals and DPD course proposals.
The Faculty Senate Curriculum Council reviews the University curriculum in an effort to implement the long-range educational mission of the University and to ensure high quality academic programs for students. In addition, the Faculty Senate Baccalaureate Core Committee reviews the content and appropriateness of both existing and proposed baccalaureate core courses.
Assessment and Accreditation provides structure, support, and guidance to the OSU academic community for undergraduate program and course level assessments, and collaborates with the Graduate School for Unit Reviews. Assessment of the Baccalaureate Core is conducted by the Faculty Senate Baccalaureate Core Committee (BCC). Academic Programs and Assessment compiles aggregate data for the BCC to review and provides administrative support for the process. Undergraduate Program Assessment Reports describe how programs conduct full-cycle assessment of student learning outcomes and are gathered each year. The reports are reviewed by Curriculum Management staff and used to write Assessment Feedback Reports. The Feedback Reports are returned to the programs and discussed during meetings between an Curriculum Management staff member and the assessment contact in individual programs.
OSU is in the process of transitioning to a process for unit reviews rather than program reviews. More information will be available soon.