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- Prosperity Widely Shared : Four Focus Areas
Experiential Learning Opportunities (ELO) reflect the University's commitment to enhance and expand opportunities for undergraduates to engage in experiential learning such as research, internships, leadership, service, and study abroad and its commitment to increase student success.
The Division of Academic Affairs is dedicated to increasing student access to experiential learning activities both within and outside of the university. Creating consistency of access to these activities across the colleges, OSU campuses and locations,and student demographic groups is critical to efforts narrowing the opportunity gaps with which many first generation, low income, and underrepresented students experience.
High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are experiential learning opportunities that have been shown to increase rates of student retention, student engagement, and persistence to graduation for all students across diverse backgrounds.
(Kuh, 2008; National Survey of Student Engagement, 2007).
Clubs & Organizations strives to connect with students and provide insights on a large range of student resources and areas of interests. We aim to help each student club and organization successfully navigate funding, events, activities, membership development, outreach and more!
Community Engagement and Leadership
Community Engagement & Leadership's (CEL) programs center community-engaged leadership. Community engagement is work that deepens people’s commitment to their community and the condition of their community. CEL believes the world should be a more just place for everyone and that we all must find our part in contributing to our communities. We believe that everyone's actions matter and that OSU students have the power to shape the world. Our leadership framework is asset and strengths-based, socially conscious, values-driven, and action oriented. We aim to foster leaders and change-makers. At CEL, we strive to create more healthy, caring, and equitable communities by engaging students in actively working to progress the community and world they want to live in. Join us!
Studying or interning abroad is a transformational, experiential opportunity that can greatly enhance a student's education outside of the classroom. The OSU Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) provides over 200 international opportunities for education, internships, and research in more than 70 countries around the world.
Internships, On-Campus Employment and Research
On-campus employment is flexible and convenient for students’ busy schedules, usually doesn’t require transportation and is a great way to get experience. There are many types of on-campus employment, including internships, office jobs, customer service, lab and research positions, and assistantships. Positions are available both during the school year and between terms.
Are you thinking about doing an internship as part of your OSU career? Do you have an internship requirement for your major? Do you want to live in a different culture and gain a professional experience in another country?
Make the decision to lead and serve your country, all without sacrificing your college experience. In Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), a career is waiting for you when you graduate.
Participating in faculty-mentored research can transform an undergraduate’s educational experience and increase the likelihood of student success. The connections students forge with faculty members as a result of engaging in undergraduate research also provide students with professional access to their respective fields and build enthusiasm for the subject matter.
The Office of Undergraduate Research
The Office of Undergraduate Research (UR) works to connect undergraduate students interested in conducting research or creative work experiences at OSU by providing tools and resources to engage with professionals, present in symposiums, and interact with scientific or creative communities. The Office of UR also manages the largest undergraduate research program at OSU, UR Engage, which connects early-career students (first-year, second-year students, and transfer students in their first year) with dedicated faculty mentors.
Undergraduate research experiences promote student engagement in ways that traditional classroom instruction cannot. Faculty mentors can help students build confidence, develop problem-solving skills, refine career interests, and facilitate important connections for graduate school or employment after graduation.
The STEM Leaders Program is an organized undergraduate research program housed in the Division of Academic Affairs.
STEM Leaders serves diverse (students of color, first-generation college students, Pell-eligible students, and/or women or gender non-conforming students in male-dominated colleges) first-year, second year and transfer students in the Colleges of: Agricultural Sciences, Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Engineering, Forestry, Health, and Science. STEM Leaders is dedicated to increasing the number of students qualified for and participating in undergraduate research and eventual graduate-level studies.
What is the University Legislative Scholars?
The University Legislative Scholars (ULS) program is an experiential learning program that engages OSU students in Oregon’s state legislature. Upper division students from majors across the university participate with university leaders, the Associated Students of OSU (ASOSU), and OSU faculty in weekly meetings on a wide range of topics with legislators, advocates, legislative staff, and other public policy practitioners who are engaged in the legislative process.