- About
- Academics
- Academic Unit Assessment
- Experiential Learning
- Faculty Development, Policies, and Resources
- Prosperity Widely Shared : Four Focus Areas
Every Student Graduates (ESG) is an advisory/leadership group comprised of members across the university to ensure broad perspective on issues that impact the success of our students. ESG serves OSU in four critical ways in concert with university partners:
It identifies cross-cutting student success goals and student success strategies. This includes particular goals (e.g., DFW rates, esp for minoritized students) with strategies compiled into a “playbook”
It charges functional work teams to establish priorities and generate strategic interventions (e.g., early alert system)
It supports colleges and college leadership in implementing strategies and advancing student success. This relationship focuses on advocating for students and particular student populations, sharing practices, reviewing data, and ensuring consistent consultations.
Together, partners determine what are the strategic points of articulation and advocacy, e.g., working with Faculty Senate on syllabus requirements for Canvas use and required early-term assignments to support early alert.
It works with campus partners (IAR and Marketing) to provide metrics and analysis and to elevate messaging internally and externally