- About
- Academics
- Academic Unit Assessment
- Experiential Learning
- Faculty Development, Policies, and Resources
- Prosperity Widely Shared : Four Focus Areas
The Division of Academic Affairs is committed to advancing and supporting rigorous, transformative education that is accessible to all learners.
We do this by supporting high quality undergraduate programs onsite, online, and in hybrid format; assisting in the design of diverse, well-supported, and affordable pathways to an OSU degree; creating opportunities for student research and experiential learning; and supporting delivery of instruction using leading edge pedagogies and technologies. All of these activities are critical underpinnings of student success.
Program and curriculum planning, development, delivery, and assessment are key to providing high quality education for all of our students. The Division of Academic Affairs supports strategic planning of programs and curricular offerings, provides support for course delivery, and facilitates consistent and systematic assessment. This full-cycle, continual process ensures the high quality of our academic programs and the high value of the credentials we offer our graduates.
Strategic use of learning innovation is at the core of providing ALL students with transformational academic experiences. We support faculty in the integration of technology, high impact practices, experiential learning, and innovative pedagogical approaches to advance teaching and learning across the institution.
Through cross-campus partnerships and collaboration, we support and advance OSU’s student success goals to improve and equalize graduation rates, and we support faculty in their pursuit of teaching excellence and learning innovation.