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To: OSU Faculty and Staff
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice Provost
January 31, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
In the 2021 legislative session, the state enacted SB 233 requiring public higher education institutions to create a common course numbering (CCN) system for high-volume transfer courses.
The first set of ten courses was implemented successfully and available to students in summer 2023. All courses in the new CCN system are notated with a “Z” at the end of the course number (e.g., WR 121Z) so they can be easily identified.
Work on the second set of fourteen courses began in early 2023, and I am writing to share that many of these courses will soon move into the implementation phase at OSU (three math courses are still under discussion- Math 251, 252, and 253). The third set of courses has been identified, and faculty subcommittees will begin course alignment efforts soon. To see lists of these courses please visit the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) CCN resources webpage.
The Curriculum Management team, with approval from the Faculty Senate Curriculum Council, developed detailed plans for implementing curriculum changes related to CCN at OSU. The implementation is fast-tracked to meet legislative deadlines once courses are approved by HECC. The Curriculum Management team will do the bulk of the work making course updates, working directly with academic units to process all additional course- and program-level changes resulting from CCN changes. Details about these processes can be found here.
My sincere thanks to the many OSU faculty and staff involved in this work. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Bird, Associate Director of Transfer Pathways & Success.
Thanks for your attention to these changes, and best wishes for a successful winter term.
Alix I. Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost