To: OSU Faculty and Staff

From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice Provost

January 24, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The Core Education Steering Committee collaborated over several months with college leadership and the Transitions Task Force in the Center for Teaching and Learning to develop a plan for offering the Transitions course in the new Core Education program. This course is distinctly different from other courses we have offered at OSU. You can learn more about the specific learning outcomes and course criteria in the Faculty Senate’s Learning Outcomes, Criteria, and Rationale document. Of note in particular:

  • The course contains university-level, not college-level content.
  • The course requires some course material be developed by experts (e.g., content around mental health).

The Steering Committee also worked with the Office of Budgets and Fiscal Planning to ensure the course capacity requirement (maximum of 35 students per section; large lectures sections with recitation breakout sections of 35 students are permitted) not be cost-prohibitive for colleges. The course will be offered by the colleges under a college-level designator. A Core Education Coordinator will work with colleges and ensure we have adequate numbers of sections offered at the 100- and 300-levels in Corvallis and via Ecampus. The Core Education Implementation team continues to work with OSU-Cascades leadership regarding the Transitions course on their campus.

Details of the implementation can be found on our website, and we encourage you to reach out to your college leadership team to understand details of the implementation in your college. Please contact McKenzie Huber, Director of Core Education with questions.


Alix I. Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost

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