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To: OSU Faculty and Staff
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice Provost
April 12, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Three finalists for the position of Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning will be in Corvallis over the next two weeks. They will each give a public presentation, and I welcome your participation.
The Associate Vice Provost (AVP) for Teaching and Learning will enhance and further faculty development and student learning in alignment with OSU’s institutional mission and Prosperity Widely Shared: The Oregon State Plan. The AVP will work to ensure all faculty have access to necessary support for delivering the highest quality instruction and that student learning both inside and outside the classroom is the highest priority. The efforts will benefit faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and students at all OSU locations, reflecting OSU’s commitment to student success and inclusivity. The AVP will also be a university leader in appropriate and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) to support student learning and faculty instruction.
The following three candidates will be visiting the Corvallis campus.
Candidate bios can be found on the Office of Academic Affairs search website.
I encourage attendees to please provide your input on each candidate using this Qualtrics survey. The search committee would like to have your input no later than 5:00 pm on April 26.
Please contact Anne-Marie Deitering, search chair, or Megan Lawrence, search support, if you have any questions.
Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice Provost