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To: OSU faculty and professional faculty,
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Statistics, College of Science
April 27th, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
After the Baccalaureate Core Director position was posted, we identified a problem with the posting that complicated the application process for at least one applicant. After consulting with the search committee, I made the decision to edit and reopen the posting to be sure all interested applicants had a chance to apply. We have also encouraged those who had already applied to move their applications to the new posting.
The new posting number can be found here. You can also search for the posting using the number, P04310UF. The updated closing date is May 4th, 2021.
I sincerely regret the inconvenience. I assure you that the decision was in no way related to the strength or number of applications submitted; rather, it was purely to ensure all interested applicants could be included.
I would like to thank everyone for their patience through this process, especially the applicants. The Search Committee is looking forward to reviewing applications and resuming the search process as soon as possible.
For questions, please contact the search committee chair, Kathy Becker Blease. You can also reach out to Mary Gardner who is providing administrative support for the search committee.
Best wishes for your spring term,
Alix Gitelman
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education