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To: Colleagues
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
August 15th, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share that Michele Justice begins serving as Interim Director of OSU Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) effective Monday, August 15. This is a 0.5 FTE appointment. Michele’s remaining 0.5 FTE remains in the College of Forestry, where she serves as Director of International Programs.
As Interim Director, Michele will work with partners across the University in support of our primary goal: increasing access to, and participation in, education abroad programming. Michele has also been charged with assessing all existing programming, structures, and staffing within the Office. She will begin by assessing OSU’s operation of IE3 Global programs (legacy programs from the Oregon University System) as we look to streamline that element of OSU GO.
I hope to announce shortly the appointment of a new Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, in whose portfolio OSU GO sits. The AVP will collaborate with Michele on her assessment as well as search for and appoint a permanent Director for OSU GO in the coming months.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank Grace Atebe, who stepped in to help OSU GO navigate many difficult months of the pandemic and its aftermath.
Please join me in welcoming Michele to this role, and in thanking Grace for her service.
Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs