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To: OSU faculty (academic & professional)
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
June 24th, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of McKenzie Huber to the Baccalaureate Core Director position effective August 2nd, 2021.
McKenzie has served at Oregon State University since 2012 in advising roles for several colleges. In 2019, the Oregon Academic Advising Association presented her with the Advisor of the Year award. The same year, the College of Forestry, presented her with the Dean’s award for fostering Undergraduate Student Success. McKenzie has been active in Faculty Senate, serving on the Senate’s Baccalaureate Core Committee since 2013 and co-chair of that committee in academic years 2017, 2020, and 2021. She also served as co-chair of the Senate’s Baccalaureate Core Revision committee (Bacc Care 2.0) in the last academic year.
Creation of the Bacc Core Director (BCD) position emerged as a recommendation from the Undergraduate Student Success Initiative. While positioned in Academic Affairs, the BCD will work in service to Faculty Senate as an ex officio, non-voting committee member of both the Bacc Core Committee and the Bacc Core 2.1 committee, soon-to-be charged by Senate leadership. Since all curriculum-related decisions are made by Faculty Senate, the BCD will play a supporting role to coordinate strategy and operations related to the Bacc Core and Bacc Core reform through shared governance. The BCD will be a champion for the Bacc Core, maintaining up-to-date website information and translating statewide transfer efforts such as common course numbering and major transfer maps that will impact OSU.
McKenzie brings enthusiasm for, and commitment to the BCD role. In addition, her strong background in student service will help maintain our institutional focus on transformative education and equitable access.
My thanks to the search committee and those who participated in campus forums and provided feedback. This search concluded at the end of remarkably challenging academic year, and I do appreciate your engagement.
Please join me in welcoming McKenzie to this role.
Alix Gitelman
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs