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The Core Transfer Map (CTM) broadly describes course requirements for students at any Oregon community college. While the CTM is a great starting point for students, it should be noted it is NOT a complete first-year course plan and does not complete all lower division general education requirements. The CTM is great for students who plan to transfer to a university but are unsure of their intended major or transfer destination. Note that many majors have specific course requirements for categories, so students who are certain of their major but not their transfer destination should determine if there is a developed Major Transfer Map for their chosen discipline and follow that as a guide. Students who are certain of their major and their intended transfer destination should consult an advisor for support in selecting appropriate courses.
The CTM is a group of at least 8 classes totaling at least 30 credits. Once admitted to OSU, students who transfer a completed CTM through an Oregon community college will have those courses count toward core bachelor’s degree requirements.
Select all courses from approved AAOT lists at the community college. See an academic advisor for recommended courses
Bacc Core |
Core Transfer Map |
Core Education |
1 of 1 Writing I (4 credits) | Writing I -1 course, WR 121Z (4 credits) | 1 of 1 Writing Foundation (4 credits) |
1 of 1 Literature and the Arts (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Western Culture 1 of 1 Cultural Diversity (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Social, Processes, and Institutions (3- 4 credits) |
Arts & Letters - 2 courses (6 - 8 credits) |
1 of 1 Arts & Humanities Global (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Artts & Humanities General (3 - 4 credits) |
Social Sciences - 2 courses (6 - 8 credits) |
1 of 1 Social Science (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Communication, Media, and Society (3 credits) |
2 of 3 Biological and/or Physical Science with lab (8 - 10 credits) | Natural Sciences with lab - 2 courses (8 - 10 credits) | 2 of 2 Scientific Inquiry and Analysis (8 - 10 credits) |
1 of 1 Mathematics (4 - 5 credits) | Math- 1 course (4 - 5 credits) | 1 of 1 Quantitative Literacy and Analysis (4 credits) |
One course must also satisfy AAOT Cultural Literacy requirement. | ||
Additional credits taken to reach 30 will be applied to the appropriate General Education requirement. | Courses must total a minimum of 30 credits and can be filled by elective credit if needed. | Additional credits taken to reach 30 will be applied to the appropriate General Education requirement. |
1 of 1 Writing II (3 credits) 1 of 1 Speech (3 credits) 1 of 1 HHS 231 (2 credits) 1 of 1 Fitness ( 1 credit) 1 of 1 Difference, Power, and Discrimination (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 3 Biological and/or Physical Science with lab (4 - 5 credits) 1 of 1 Contemporary Global Issues (upper division, 3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Science, Technology, and Society (upper division, 3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Writing Intensive Curriculum (in major) |
Remaining General Education requirements not covered by the Core Transfer Map |
1 of 1 Difference, Power, and Oppression: Foundations (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Transitions (upper division for transfer students, 2 credits) 1 of 1 Beyond OSU Career Integration (0 credits) 1 of 1 Writing Elevation (3 credits) 1 of 1 Advanced Difference, Power, and Discrimination (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Seeking Solutions (3 - 4 credits) 1 of 1 Writing Intensive Curriculum (in major) |
For more information on how the Core Transfer Map applies to general education at OSU:
The Major Transfer Maps (MTM) is a statewide transfer agreement that identifies the community college courses needed to transfer to any Oregon public university as a junior seeking a bachelor’s degree. The approved MTMs accepted by Oregon State University can be found below.
A Major Transfer Map (MTM) is designed for students who have chosen a major but are uncertain about which Oregon public university they want to transfer to. A MTM is a streamlined course plan in a specific major. When completed, the discipline-specific MTM enables students to transfer credits from any Oregon community college to any Oregon public university and count those credits toward a bachelor’s degree in that specific major.
Who the MTM applies to:
Students transferring from an Oregon community college to a public Oregon university who know which major/bachelor’s degree program they want to pursue.8
What the MTM does:
Specifies what courses to take to transfer efficiently and be on track toward meeting the specific major/bachelor’s degree requirements. An MTM may specify general education courses within the 30 credits toward the Core Transfer Map (CTM) that are relevant or required for the specific major/bachelor’s degree.
The MTM aims to ensure that students with the same number of academic credits in the major course of study who began their studies at OSU are at a comparable status. It also ensures that students will not be required to retake a course as long as they earn the minimum required grades.
What the MTM requires:
Students must have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and meet the residency requirements at the community college awarding the MTM.
What to know about the MTM:
When students complete an MTM, the general education courses in the “Core Transfer Map” portion of the MTM, for which minimum required grades have been earned, are guaranteed to transfer into general education, degree, or major requirements for a bachelor’s degree at any Oregon public university (ORS 350.404). Students who want to transfer prior to completing the MTM should talk with their community college advisor and an OSU advisor in their desired major prior to transfer about how their courses will count towards general education requirements and degree/major requirements. If the MTM is not awarded, students should work with their community college advisors to determine eligibility for a CTM.
Students who complete the Biology Major Transfer Map (Associates of Science Transfer – Biology {AST-Bio}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for the Biology major (any option) within the College of Science at OSU Corvallis and Cascades.
Students who complete the Business Major Transfer Map (Associate of Science Transfer - Buisness {AST- Bus}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for any Business major within the College of Business at OSU Corvallis, Cascades, and through Ecampus.
Students who complete the Computer Science Major Transfer Map (Associate of Science Transfer - Computer Science {AST- Comp Sci}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for the Computer Science major as an Applied Option with a customized focal area within the College of Engineering.
Students who complete the Elementary Education Major Transfer Map (Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer - Elementary Education {AAOT - Elem Ed}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for any Teaching major within the College of Education at OSU Corvallis, Cascades, and Ecampus (hybrid).
Students who complete the English Major Transfer Map (Associate of Arts Transfer - English {AAT- Eng}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for the English major within the College of Liberal Arts.
Students who complete the Human Development and Family Services (Associate of Science Transfer - HDFS {AST- HDFS}) will begin at OSU as Junior standing and be prepared for the Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS) major within the College of Health.