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To: OSU faculty and professional faculty
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Statistics, College of Science
May 14th, 2020
Dear colleagues,
The University Innovation Alliance (UIA) is a national consortium dedicated to improving educational outcomes and degree attainment for all students regardless of socioeconomic background. One of their initiatives is the Bridging the Gap from Education to Employment (BGEE) project. The BGEE group is comprised of a number of cross-campus stakeholders, including OSU teaching and professional faculty as well as OSU students. They are creating a “Career Champions” course in Canvas to take place this summer. “Career Champions” provides faculty and instructors with tangible ways to incorporate career connection into the classroom. In an effort to understand faculty perspective on the importance of the career pipeline for Pell-eligible, first-generation, and underrepresented students, the BGEE group has created a survey asking folks to rank values and indicate topics of interest. Please take a moment to fill out this short survey. The survey will close on Tuesday, May 19th. https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1GLjqe5kKVWFOux
For questions or to become a BGEE course content partner, please reach out to UIA Fellow, Brenna Gomez at [email protected].
Thank you,
Alix Gitelman
Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Statistics, College of Science