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The Fall Student Experience Survey was launched in 2020 to understand OSU’s Corvallis campus undergraduate experiences as the university shifted to remote learning. The survey has continued to be administered annually, containing a set of similar questions paired with topical questions.
Survey participants were informed that the responses they provided would summarized and reported in aggregate, treated as internal-to-OSU only, and used for the purpose of designing support services, enhancing communication and messaging, and improving the student experience. Access to these reports is behind an OSU login and we ask that you do not disseminate the information beyond the OSU community and use it in a way that doesn’t align with the intent. Questions or comments about the use of this information in reports and presentations should be directed to Maureen Cochran, Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives & Assessment (Student Affairs)
The fall student experience survey was conceptualized as a way to understand perspectives and experiences of Corvallis-based student undergraduate students
For final reports and presentations, see https://beav.es/qvR (ONID login required)
The Fall 2024 Student Experience Survey ran between October 20 and November 4, 2024 with a response rate of 14.4%, as defined by surveys that were at least 73% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback regarding their responsibilities and concerns for fall, employment experiences (if working), academic support resources, student onboarding, and learning outside of class.
Fall 2024 Presentation of findings
OSU colleagues, please plan to join the Fall 2024 Student Experience Survey Webinar on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 11am – 12pm. Registration required
The Fall 2023 Student Experience Survey ran between October 23 and November 9, 2023 with a response rate of 20.3%, as defined by surveys that were at least 74% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback regarding their responsibilities and concerns for fall, employment experiences (if working), communication from OSU, and artificial intelligence (AI).
The Fall 2022 Student Experience Survey ran between November 1 and 14, 2022 with a response rate of 13.4%, as defined by surveys that were at least 75% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback as it relates to belonging, academic experiences, advising experiences, and communication preferences.
The Fall 2022 Student Experience Survey ran between October 26 and November 9, 2021 with a response rate of 21.7%, as defined by surveys that were at least 75% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback regarding their OSU experience during our return to in-person learning and activities.
Spring 2020
The Spring 2020 Student Experience Survey ran between April 23 and 30, 2020 with a response rate of 16%, as defined by surveys that were at least 75% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback on the shift to remote learning at OSU.
Summer 2020
The Summer 2020 Student Experience Survey ran between September 3 and 9, 2020 with a response rate of 21%, as defined by surveys that were partially completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback on imagining their fall, planning for fall, and concerns for fall term.
Fall 2020
The Fall 2020 Student Experience Survey ran between November 2 and 9, 2020 with a response rate of 21%, as defined by surveys that were at least 50% completed.
Corvallis campus undergraduate students received the invitation to provide feedback on their OSU experience during a period of remote learning.