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To: OSU Faculty
From: Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Statistics, College of Science
April 29th, 2020
Dear OSU faculty,
Thank you for your continuing efforts supporting our students during the COVID-19 disruption.
I am writing to draw your attention to new and existing resources to help support and enhance remote teaching and learning. These resources are available thanks to a collaboration between OSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning, UIT-Academic Technology and Ecampus.
The OSU “Keep Teaching” website has just been relaunched with a new design that will make it easier for you to see new tips, resources and events, as well as archived content like recorded webinars and trainings. The scope of this site extends beyond just tools for remote teaching – it addresses pedagogical best practices, strategies, activity ideas and more for faculty to successfully engage and teach students synchronously and asynchronously. The site is being updated continuously with additional resources, including the daily Timely Teaching Tips that you may have seen featured each day in OSU Today.
To help you finish spring term strong and prepare for summer session courses that will be taught remotely, you can access a new self-paced workshop in Canvas called Designing and Teaching an Effective Remote Course. This workshop includes guidance for planning remote courses from design through delivery, and is built to support exploration of particular questions you may have about remote teaching, like making your course accessible and inclusive, or increasing student engagement in your synchronous Zoom sessions.
Please know that you also continue to have the support of OSU colleagues and units who can advise you about the nuts and bolts (and tools) for successful remote teaching:
Find information about all of the support resources listed above on the “Keep Teaching” site.
Best wishes for the remainder of the term,
Alix Gitelman
Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Statistics, College of Science